If you’re determined to find alignment and get the things you want, Jesse Fisco highlights how to do it today. Dial in to unlock your full potential and learn how to install an abundance mindset and the value of coaching, so you can start investing in yourself and break the limits!

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How does a mindset develop naturally
3 primary factors that negatively influence your mindset
The power of getting clear on all of your goals 
Why you should build your body and mind simultaneously
A more impactful thing to do than saving your money 


Mindset by Carol S. Dweck https://amzn.to/3jjO7r5


Jesse Fisco is the Owner and Founder of Emerge Coaching. Emerge is a coaching program for entrepreneurs and sales professionals that help them truly unlock higher growth and potential. Jesse has been happily wedded to his wife for 10 years, and they have two amazing kids. Jesse loves basketball and is an avid NBA fan.
Emerge Coaching works with the mind, determines mental limitations, and helps individuals overcome old patterns and installations that no longer serve their higher purpose. Emerge helps entrepreneurs within three categories. It helps individuals win even more in their individual love, relationships, and business. Emerge has helped several businesses unlock more potential and create an internal culture of excellence.


Instagram: mr utahrealestate https://www.instagram.com/mrutahrealestate/
LinkedIn: Jesse Fisco https://www.linkedin.com/in/fiscorealestate/


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Full Transcript
Jesse Fisco  00:00
Those are the things of helping other people, we got to help you understand yourself first. And if you don’t know what you want, you can’t go serve other people. But if you’re really locked in focused on the very things you want, that will make you happy, now you can go out and serve, and you can help other people.
Greg Lyons  00:13
Welcome to the passive income brothers podcast. Here
Tim Lyons  00:15
we take the fear out of real estate investing using real life stories of everyday successful investors. Let’s go. Welcome to another episode of the passive income brothers podcast. My name is Tim Lyons and today I’m joined by none other than my brother, Greg.
Greg Lyons  00:30
Tim, I can already tell what you’re doing here. You booked Jesse on this podcast for me, for me to listen for me to learn, and I can already feel it. You’re already judging me through this whole entire thing? And I can’t wait for it.
Tim Lyons  00:44
No, do you watch it on YouTube, you see that I’m shaking my head because it was an all kidding aside, Jesse fisco is going to be our guest today. And I think we’re gonna get a lot out of his story, we’re gonna get a lot out of his coaching his mindset, because at any given time during the year, we could all use a little bit of this, like tweaking and tune up on our mindset. But I think especially these days being investors hard, right. So this is going to be a relevant topic today. Absolutely.
Greg Lyons  01:12
I think it’s timely to because we don’t have to wait to the new year to start something to get into our goals and different things like that. There’s always a time to start right now. Don’t wait till tomorrow. And the other thing about Jesse is he’s a real estate guy as well. He’s done a bunch of it. We always say there’s a million different ways to make money in real estate. Jesse’s proving it. And then he’s putting like little icing on the cake after that. So this is gonna be fun.
Tim Lyons  01:35
Yeah, so awesome. So welcome to the show. Jesse fiscal, how you doing today? Hey,
Jesse Fisco  01:39
guys, I’m doing so great. Thank you so much for having me on. I’m super excited to be here. It’s be amazing.
Tim Lyons  01:45
Well, I was excited for you to be here until I saw your podcast set up. So if anybody hasn’t seen it, you gotta go on YouTube and check out his podcast. It’s putting me to shame. But he also shame Greg.
Greg Lyons  01:55
Man, this is yeah, this is mostly what I have going on
Tim Lyons  02:00
the microphone like the little nice plants right there. So anyway, Jesse, could you tell us a little bit about what makes Jesse Jesse fisco? Jesse fisco. What have you done? Where have you been? How did you get to where you are? And what you have to know? Yeah,
Jesse Fisco  02:11
absolutely. So my background about seven years ago, my wife and I, we are buying a lot of investment properties. And we’ve decided to get licensed in real estate just to have it. So we didn’t have to call up our agent anymore and go see houses. We’re doing a lot of house hacking at the time. So she ended up getting her license. And as we got onto like our, I think our fifth door and like started talking to people and telling them like, Hey, we’re like we have over 1.5 million in mortgages and all that’s paid by someone else. And we’re living life great. People started asking us more questions. And we started to build up our real estate team where we’re helping now people buy and sell houses. And yeah, I was about seven years ago, I came home from work one day, I was selling copiers for a local company here and they just said, Hey, I came home, my wife’s crying. She’s like, I can’t do this anymore. I need help. Like, I’m overwhelmed. We have a newborn baby at the time. And so next day, I’m out, I gave him my I didn’t even give him a two week notice I just said Mike, I gotta go. And we started our real estate business and has just continued to grow from there. So that’s kind of my background. As things have evolved over time. We had 2020, the Coronavirus, were out opening our business in Nashville. And there was a lot of mindset there and just changing oh my gosh, we’re foreign in this area. No one knows us and like with real estate’s all about reputation and who you know. And that kind of started my whole mindset journey of okay, what am I doing here? Am I going to go all in on myself at this point in time of uncertainty? Or am I actually going to just quit and go back, right, and just go back to what I knew. And at that point, one of the key terms we use at our house is just give yourself permission to win. And that’s what we did. So we gave ourselves permission to win. And we won bigger actually, than what we ever anticipated. And that’s kind of evolved into the eMERGE coaching program now where I love to help investors, real estate agents, entrepreneurs grow their mindset, because a lot of times the mindset that we have was actually installed in our minds from the ages of five to seven. And as more experiences have happened, it’s just mutated, but like we can usually pinpoint something very, very specific happening that as shifted our entire way of thinking in the external environment. So that’s something that we love to talk about.
Greg Lyons  04:28
Well, one would say that you were trying to copy what you did in Utah and bring it to Nashville. Yeah, see Tim you see what I did there with the copier selling copiers There you go. This is gold, right? This is gold. So people either jerk in the car off the road right now falling off the treadmill because I got to deal with every day. But my dad jokes my dad jokes are forgot about it. All right. But this is a story we hear a lot of is was trying to open a business start a business do Do something during a pandemic. And a lot of people we talk to did not fold up the tent, did not take their toys and go home. And they kept pushing through. And this is something we’ve heard from a bunch of our guests. And it’s really great D, it’s encouraging to hear that you don’t just have to stick with either where you are now. And you can overcome challenges permission to win, Tim, I know you have that written down, exclamation point, exclamation point, permission to win. But just if you could kind of dive in a little bit to that mindset, from early childhood, and how that affects you, either in business, or taking that leap, starting a business. As you get older, how do you go from that early mindset to where you are now, in growing, I
Jesse Fisco  05:45
think it’s important to understand the science. So if you don’t mind, I’ll jump into it real fast. But what happens is your brain obviously communicates with your body, and that’s your emotion. And that’s the emotion that you’re experiencing is based off of an experience you’ve had. So like, let’s talk about, maybe your dad yells at you, and it really has a psychological issue, right. And then what happens is, is the longer you allow, to go back and live that moment of fear, or whatever that initial experience was, the more it starts to become your mood, and the more it starts to become your mood, the longer you hold on to it, your body’s continuing to send chemicals from your brain to your body, it starts to become your personality, therefore, it starts to evolve on who you are. And it’s very, very fascinating that as that time happens, right, like, let’s use an example, my dad, my dad was very abusive. And so like, anytime there was a physical threat, I would get really tensed up. And I would get really nervous physical as far as like sports, like football, I hated football growing up because of that physicality. And so it would just evolved over time of like a fear of getting hit a fear of doing anything. And it’s created personality of just a fear in general a fear of getting hurt, or things like that, that had really psychologically messed with me, but I didn’t even realize it until business happened, right? And the fear or the feeling of hurt came differently when you’re running in the red a little bit. And you’re feeling a little bit of like, oh, my gosh, am I good enough, and then more emotion started to unfold early, early on. And those are the types of things that we just don’t know. And then it really took a lot of personal reflection of like, Why do I feel this way? Like, at what point did I decide that this is the way I react to these certain environments. And I was able to pinpoint an exact moment where my dad was very abusive, and I was able to go and like resolve that and take heart and say I’m okay. And like, that doesn’t mean I need to be a five or seven year old child that I was, now I can actually grow and be the 32 year old man that I am, and make my own decisions and letting that go emotionally. But most people hold on to some sort of emotional trauma, they don’t even realize, and once again, giving yourself permission to just let it go and move forward. It sounds easy, but it is a little bit difficult sometimes for some.
Tim Lyons  08:01
Oh my god. I mean, mental health is like I don’t mean no multi multibillion dollar business. trillion dollar business, right, like so like, this is very relevant. I mean, I used to listen to podcasts, and I’d hear people spending tons of money on coaching and mindset, and why are you not living living a limitless life? Right, like, why are you constrained? And a lot of it for me came down to my money mindset was strictly scarcity based, right? Yeah. It was paycheck to paycheck. Right. And I grew up in a very modest company like that household, right, growing up, always had what we needed, right? But really, there was some tougher times, right? So I think that was deeply embedded in my own personal scarcity mindset. And I’m not worthy to make this much money. I’m not worthy to be a real estate entrepreneur, I’m not worthy to have a nice house, nice cars, nice vacations. I’m not worthy for any of that, right? Because until I unlocked my money mindset and grew into that abundance mindset, where that growth mindset like Carol Dweck talks about her book mindset, which I highly recommend everybody read. But I think it holds them back a lot of entrepreneurs because as I grew in this space, I got to meet a lot more entrepreneurial type people and what didn’t, you know, everybody kind of talks about the same thing. I grew up like this. I had this kind of expectation. I went and I did this, I got my degree, I got good grades, I got a good job, then it wasn’t happy. It wasn’t fulfilled. I had net purpose I didn’t have and why is that? Right? And then they pivot and they’re like, Well, can I or should i? So let’s talk about that a little bit. Like, when you talk with entrepreneurs and your coaching program, what are some of the main things that hold people back? Right? Like what are some of the biggest mindset shifts that need to occur? Or what are the biggest blocks that need to be resolved?
Jesse Fisco  09:54
Yeah, I love that. So we’ve labeled it down to three. Generally these are the three that we see number one is emotional trauma, like we talked about number two scarcity or feeling like a sense of providing, keep in mind, most entrepreneurs that actually jump into being an entrepreneur, they had a lifestyle that they either were content with, and they’re happy, but they knew deep down inside, there was more or that they wanted to take care of someone else, right? Like, the motivation for an entrepreneur is I want to take care of my family, I want to take care of my mom, or whatever the case, right? So there’s a sense of providing, and it’s an internal battle all the time, I need to continue to provide for other people. And then the third one is love, which loves kind of a broad one. But think about love for yourself, you get so focused on loving other people and trying to help everyone else, that at some point, you hit this wall and go, Man, why am I doing what I’m doing? Like? And you start to reflect and go, Man, why am I not in the best shape that I want to be physically? Or why am I not feeling the confidence? I mean, I’m making whatever, $150,000 a month in passive income, whatever the case is, right? Why do I feel like it’s still not good enough. And it’s that internal love that a lot of entrepreneurs struggle with, or allowing someone to love them, and feeling like allowing love in general. And those are the three that I’ve really found. And connected with. There’s more, right, but generally, those three lead to other aspects of fear and, and scarcity and just self doubt.
Greg Lyons  11:23
Yeah. Yeah. Right. I mean, definitely a great list when you when you when you apply it to your own life, right? What’s the emotional trauma? What’s the scarcity that I’m kind of working around, and the love and a lot of people that we told Daily had great love for their family, that’s usually their why, right, then they sometimes forget about themselves. And a lot of the investors that we talk to, and just kind of real estate people in general, so many people have so many different talents, whether it’s fixing, flipping, building teams, leaders, some people are really great at raising capital, we all have these different talents. But I think a lot of times we get comfortable. And we are almost afraid to succeed. We’re afraid of that success. And Tim just alluded to it, we can never be real estate entrepreneurs, because this is the way we grew up. So that being afraid to succeed, how does someone kind of get over that hurdle and break through and to the person they can completely be?
Jesse Fisco  12:26
Yeah, I think it really comes down to the experiences that they had growing up, right, that just kind of evolved who they are, but to speak broadly. I think, number one, understanding that everyone has a different model of the world, and really going broad and saying, Hey, this is what was taught to them by their parents, maybe by their grandparents, their great grandparents, whatever the case, right understanding that this person may actually be right. And what if the concept of right from wrong actually didn’t exist in everyone was right, right. And as you really start to broaden your thoughts of like, okay, this person cut me off in the car? Well, naturally, that would make most people upset, right? But what if this person actually was taught, that’s the right way to do things. And as you start to understand that, then you look at it and go, you know, what I’m living my model the world, and success is actually what I want. And understanding that, and then saying, it doesn’t matter what everyone else’s model the world is, they all live abundantly based off what they want, right, versus their model of the world. But my model, the world is different. And I’m allowing myself to live that. And as soon as entrepreneurs, or anyone in general allows people to understand that, you notice that like, there’s not as much emotion. So someone cuts you off in the car, and you’re like, oh, man, like it takes practice, right. But like, at first, you’ll be like, Oh, that guy sucks. But then also, especially here in Utah, let me just preface, but in most cases, nowadays, someone cuts me off. And I’m like, they were driving the best possible way they know how. And I’m going to like, that’s fine, and may not be what I agree with. But that’s okay. And it helps me to see people from a different point of view. And to be honest with you, it helps me close more business in my real estate stuff. It helps me bring on more clients as far as coaching because I understand and I’m able to get to their level. And I think that really that’s what it comes down to is broadening your scope and allowing people to live their life and not being so focused on what’s right or wrong, eliminate the process of right or wrong, and start asking yourself, How can I win or win bigger, and as you start to do that, it opens up a whole different playing field, a limitless playing field to kind of go off what you guys were talking about. Jessie, I
Tim Lyons  14:38
gotta tell you, as a New Yorker, this is gonna take some practice. When somebody cuts you off in New York, you get right on their tail and flash your pricetone You’re right.
Jesse Fisco  14:47
Maybe even give him a middle finger, right? Maybe even throw a middle finger
Tim Lyons  14:51
out. I’m just saying that’s how some people do it in New York City or the top. So this is going to take some time. Greg, what do you think? Could have been an
Greg Lyons  14:58
overgeneralization? But 95% of the people in New York will get on the horn, the brights, tailgate, you miss their exit, just to prove the point.
Jesse Fisco  15:14
That you guys, is that an environmental thing? Then it’s like environmental culture, like because everyone else is doing that. I mean, is that necessarily the right thing? Or is there a better way of doing things? Right? Like in eliminating that right from wrong? Is there a better way to get your point across? Then you move to Virginia? Right? Yeah, something like that. You change your environments.
Greg Lyons  15:34
I changed my environment. Yeah,
Tim Lyons  15:36
in your environment. I love that exact. So Jesse. All kidding aside, I just got this visual of like tailgating somebody now. But anyway. So one of the things that I love about my journey, and Greg, and my journey in real estate is that we’ve been fortunate to see the light, right? Like we came from the scarcity mindset, we’ve grown into this abundance mindset, we came from a place where we would never spend money on coaching, or masterminds, or mentorships, or anything like that, too. Now we do multiple masterminds, we’ve been coached by multiple coaches, we’ve had mentorships, paid and unpaid, whatever. But what we found was that when we got ourselves in the right rooms, and we got ourselves surrounded by the right people who were all rowing in the same direction that we wanted to be in, or people who are successful before us, or whatever the case might be, it changed everything, it changed the trajectory of our lives, our family’s lives, our kids lives, our mental health, our finances, like everything started to change. Now, when I look backwards, I’m saying to myself, Well, why didn’t I start earlier? Why didn’t I? Why was I so scared? Why was I so against paying for coaching and and part of it is maybe not being able to afford it right away? Or saying, like, I could spend that money? Why would I spend money on coaching, when I can go spend it on a down payment for a property or something like that? So when you’re faced with like, a brand new client, or coaching client, or just whatever, just another entrepreneur like that, like, what’s that conversation like about the value of investing in yourself? Yeah, to
Jesse Fisco  17:13
be honest, like, the sales techniques I use are a little bit of a hypnotic language to kind of like, really, internally speak to the mind, right? But one of the things I asked myself is like, or I asked them, what’s your goal, right? And they’ll say, Oh, well, my goal is 2.5 million. I’ll say that’s it. And instantly, like that kind of changes, right? And, and changes that whole aspect. Same thing with, like, with negotiating with people. Like, if the buyer agent, I’m representing a seller, and the buyer agent comes back, oh, hey, we just want that. Oh, that’s it. Great, we can do that. Right? And make the buyer agent feel like, okay, maybe there was more, but leave them kind of hanging. And that’s the same thing with what I’m talking to. I’m giving away all my secrets here. So the listener, but honestly, the real question is why, why only 2.5 million, and you’re so much more capable. I mean, we live in a world where there’s billionaires. So why are you limiting yourself to only 2.5 million? And then that conversation can go into, while 2.5 million is what I feel like my max potential is, and it’s Oh, interesting, according to what, according to what, you know, what if you were able to know something? Like you didn’t already know, then what would you be able to make more? Oh, yeah, absolutely. Okay. So you don’t know anything about this coaching? Do you think you could make more by being involved in this coaching, and just asking them and walking them through it? That’s kind of the conversation, and then also really just helping people pinpoint their self doubts a lot of times. Another thing that happens? Well, I don’t want to pay for this coaching, and not get a return. Ah, okay. So what do you want, then, because you just told me what you don’t want. But let’s talk about what you truly want. Because where your focus goes, your energy flows. And that’s where if we’re focusing on all the things we don’t want, well, guess what, you’re probably going to put all your energy towards those things and receive the very thing you don’t want, as opposed to receiving the thing you do want. And that’s another conversation we have. And those are things that really is you start to think about it more and really dig deep into what you’re saying your words are actually a symbology of what you believe internally. And so if you’re telling me all the things you don’t want, what that tells me is, you don’t even know what you want. You just tell me all the things you don’t want. But the real question is, is this the thing that you don’t want actually exist? And have you actually experienced it? Or have you created it in your mind as a possible outcome? That could happen? But hasn’t yet? And a lot of times we find ourselves doing that, right? Like going back to the driving in a car. Oh, that guy flipped me off. Man. If he jumped out of his car and started talking to me, this is exactly what I’d say to him. We start creating this thing that never happened. And we feel all these emotions, our body doesn’t know any different. And we start creating a bunch of emotion. And so that’s one of the big things I talked to him about is like, Hey, listen, you telling me all things you don’t want. But let’s focus on the things you do want. Let’s go there. And as we unpack that, we learned that, hey, maybe coaching actually is the very best thing for our clients.
Greg Lyons  20:10
Yeah, that coaching can be really interesting for not only a real estate agent, but for investors as well, because I think a lot of times we’re talking to people and they say, they get analysis paralysis, because they say, Well, what if I lose all my money, right? And that event that hasn’t happened, stops them from creating multiple streams of income, because they’re creating this narrative in their mind that says that I can’t do this, because of this might happen, about 100. Other things that could happen as well. So I think that’s really important for a lot of people that listen to this podcast that are searcher that passive income, as we all work on our model of what our world should look like, or what we want it to look like. I think a lot when people come from either scarcity or an emotional trauma, when they’re younger, a lot of people try to do better for the next generation where they try to do better for the kids provide a nicer house, a more loving house, something like that. How do you work with your clients or other people about projecting your more positive model of the world onto the kids? How do you pass that more that positivity on to the next generation, I
Jesse Fisco  21:26
love it, I’m gonna go a little bit over to the Bible here where it talks about cleaning out the inner vessel first. Number one thing we do in the first four weeks of our coaching program is we help clean out the inner vessel, you can’t go serve other people if you don’t love yourself, plain and simple, right? And they’ll feel that. So one of the things we focus on is we have our clients, right 100 Things that they want for themselves, if money was no issue 100 things in the most detailed way possible. So if you said car, I’d say okay, what kind of car and you say, oh, I want a Porsche? I’d say okay, what kind of Porsche and then GT three Rs. Awesome. What color? Was the stitching look like? What does it smell like? What does it sound like? And I really, really want to get into the deep emotional aspects. And all the sensory acuity based off of that, I really want them to understand that as they find out who they are like, it’s interesting, because about it. Number 25. Most of our clients are like, oh, yeah, I can’t do 100. This is nuts. And it’s like, no, you can you just haven’t discovered it yet. So go back and look online and figure out who you are. It’s so interesting, because as they figure out what they clearly want, first of all, it really starts to help them open up their mind and unlock potential and think at a higher level than what they’re currently thinking. Because now we’re looking at things like a private island, we’re looking to things like a yacht or whatever, you truly want a man does that change the scope. Naturally, as they start looking at things and seeing these changes themselves. They’re catching themselves all the time, like today at the store, I took my daughter before this podcast, I needed something to help me just feel extra energized for the show. I knew I needed this today. And as we’re sitting there, my daughter brings up two items of candy. And she’s like, can I get them both? And instead of saying no, like you can only have one instead of installing scarcity. In that moment. I looked at her and said, you have two great options, which one do you want, right? And validated that those two options are fantastic, and that there’s an abundance there. But which one do you want today, and it’s just tweaking the little ways that we do things. And that was amazing. Instead of installing scarcity, projecting a bunch of limiting beliefs on her that you can only have one thing, there’s not enough money in this world. I installed Hey, you know what, you got two great options, there’s more options. And those are the little subtle things that we see our clients do. And they’ll come and say, Hey, I just don’t feel like I’m improving. But then as we hear that talk, and we hear the way that they are expressing themselves, it changes. And it’s amazing. And so those are the things of helping other people, we got to help you understand yourself first. And if you don’t know what you want, you can’t go serve other people. But if you’re really locked in focused on the very things you want, that will make you happy. Now all of a sudden, you can go out and serve. And you can help other people.
Tim Lyons  24:08
Well, I’m gonna start doing some push ups in the aisles. Anybody else want to join me? I mean, Greg, I got some work to do, man. Right? We all this incredible. Yeah, this is incredible stuff. This is stuff that like you think about, and it’s a fleeting idea. And then you go back to your day, and you scroll through social media, or you’re on to your next appointment, right? But when you actually take the initiative and take the time, dive into this to be coached to make that investment in yourself. I mean, that’s incredible. Could you imagine how great everybody around us would be if we all took the time to do some of this work on ourselves so we can serve everybody else the way that we want it to be served. I mean, that would just be incredible. But I digress. I want to get on to my next question. Something I’ve been very inspired by is other people’s stories, right and other people Success. And I’m trying to write my own story. I’m trying to live my own journey each day. But what I’ve found is that there’s a few things out there that you hear over and over again, whether you’re reading books, audiobooks, podcasts, whatever conferences that high performers, successful people do day in and day out, right? There’s a formula out there. And I’m just curious, is there a formula that you talk about with your clients about high performance type tactics that you subscribe to? And if so I’d love to hear about it.
Jesse Fisco  25:33
Yeah, number one thing we do is anyone that signs up for our coaching program and our top two tier coaching programs, we get them involved with physical training anywhere from a six month to a one year, the mind and body are extremely important. So we have a personal trainer that is attended to them based off what they want, right? It always comes back down to what you want, because that’s what we’re going to provide is the results and how to get there. So number one, I would say, get right with your body and start really trying to understand, but for me, one of the keys to my success is I get up, I go to the gym, and I don’t turn on my phone until eight o’clock. Like, unless it’s to listen to an audiobook. But like social media, I’m off it, it does not matter to me. In fact, one of the big things I found was that social media was I was living the environmental world, all the things that social media was telling me was success. That was one of the things I had to eliminate, because it’s not what my personal success was. So I hired someone, which I would never have done. But I just hired someone to take care of my social media for me, and they just do a phenomenal job. Now I’m not surrounded by a bunch of garbage. But I digress as well. Going back to my routine, it’s like I get up, I go to the gym, and I focus on excellence, I’m listening to something that will make me excellent in the morning. And that’s a motivational talk. That’s a book, whatever the case, and then I get home. And I love to meditate, and continue to remind myself of all the things that I want to become, in fact, I’ve gone as crazy as recording myself telling myself all the things I want. And I paid someone to put some music in the background. And I listened to that every single day religiously. And you’d be surprised your unconscious mind, the part of your mind that operates your entire body and all the other things that you don’t even know, your unconscious mind loves to hear your own voice, like a lot. And so when I programmed myself talking to myself saying, Hey, you’re going to have a Porsche GT three Rs, and this is going to be the details, hey, you’re going to go on amazing vacations with your family, you’re going to be able to serve as many people as you desire to serve, like all these different things. I’m telling myself, I’m listening, and I wake up, like, as I come out of that meditation, I’m pumped, I’m ready for the day. And those are the things that like, I’m changing as far as routine, but success comes based off what you want. And if you’re living a life of what you want, doesn’t mean you need to be a billionaire trillionaire, it just means that you need to be doing the things you want to make you happy and consistently doing it every day.
Tim Lyons  27:58
I just want to stack on top real quick, is that something so powerful, and you can correct me, I might be wrong on this. But I’m assuming that when you built your real estate companies, right, and you have a certain amount of passive income coming in, that that takes the pressure that provide a role right like that, you have to go punch the clock, you have to go do something at a company or something you’re grinding it out. Whereas if you can set up that passive income, now you can take the time to work on yourself to do all these things, right to move the needle higher, to find out what successes I mean, my barking up the right tree. Yeah,
Jesse Fisco  28:35
I think I’ll add on to that. Why not? Both, right? Why not do it at the same time, and not stress out so much about getting the passive income and then focusing on yourself? Like, why can’t you focus on both at the same time, thus, being the happiest version and the most aligned person you can be right? I do agree, though, it takes off a ton of stress when you have that passive income, but you’re not going to have that passive income until you know what you want. And you’re not going to have that passive income until you implement and execute on those very things. Right? And at some point, you come to that line of like, oh, man, here we go, my paying $18,000 a month in interest on an investment property until I can get it closed, I’m leveraging other people’s money. Is this worth it? And that’s your decision and what decision you’re gonna make. If you have a weak mindset, maybe you start to kick in the scarcity and say No way. But if you’ve worked on your mindset, surround yourself with masterminds and books, it doesn’t even have to be coaching, just practicing and working on yourself knowing what you want, then it makes that decision a lot easier because you know where you’re going. Right. So I would agree 100% Tim, I think that it’s very nice having the passive income. I would add, though, like you can start working on yourself at any point, it just takes a little bit of extra effort on your end if you want it bad enough.
Greg Lyons  29:48
That’s great. It’s sometimes it’s the voice that we allow to talk to ourselves. That is just so important. What are you putting into your body not only from a food or beverage intake But what kind of podcasts you listen to what what kind of audiobooks you’re listening to. And that diet is just as important as the salad and the whatever else you’re reading, physically. I always tell the kids no negative self talk. Yeah, and everyone laughs and stuff like that. But when they say, Oh, I can’t do this, or whatever it is that, hey, no negative self talk, we’re gonna get through it. And again, they laugh, but I think they’re listening. And I think that’s really important. To him, I feel really good about this mental deep dive, that I know you scheduled for me. But I also think our listeners are gonna get some value out of this as well. So that was good thinking on your part. You got a buddy. Appreciate that. So, Jesse, we’re going to transition to our three questions. And since you’re not only a mindset coach, but you’re also a real estate person, I think these are going to kind of apply to you as well. And the first question is, what do you say to people, when they say, investing in real estate is too risky?
Jesse Fisco  30:55
I ask them why they invest in stock market. Because, at least in real estate, you can control your outcome with the stock market, you’re allowing other people to control your outcome. And so that’s my first question. But honestly, investing in real estate, how do you know it’s risky if you’ve never tried it? And that’s what it comes down to? But man, I will say this, there’s a reason why every single individual who has a large sum of money is invested in real estate. There is no question about that. That’s
Tim Lyons  31:28
the old rip off and duplicate model of success. Right. So I love that. All right, cool, man. The next question comes from a mentor of ours. He doesn’t know it yet. But he’s gonna be a guest on our podcast at some point. So if anybody knows Robert Kiyosaki to send them our way, thank you.
Greg Lyons  31:42
I love that. No negative self talk,
Tim Lyons  31:44
negative self talk to hear there’s all positivity. But he says sometimes in his podcast and some of his books that savers are losers, and debtors are winners. So I think it’s kind of relevant in today’s times. But yeah, what does that mean to you?
Jesse Fisco  31:58
Oh, man, that question couldn’t hit harder right now. So obviously, we talked about coaching, and with the real estate market and the environment that we’re at right now, like, I would say that, like saving your money is pretty pointless at this point, like, you’re not going to be able to make any money by saving it, I mean, you could put it in it as a 5% return, but at the rate of inflation that we’re seeing, I mean, that 5% is still going to be below the value of the dollar. And with that being said, I said, I need to focus more on me even more, and I need to invest in myself even more at this time, so that I’m mentally tough. And I leveraged an education backed by the end of this year, I’ll have over $170,000, in education, learning different ways to sharpen my axe and to become better. And that is, to me, that’s a ton of money. I’ve never spent that for a college degree. But at the time, my mindset was different. Now I look at it and say, I’m going into debt, to learn more so that I can pull myself out if things continue to go, the way that they’re going, I’ve got to figure out how to become more resourceful. So I would say leveraging your debt, yes, obviously, some of the things that Robert talks about as well is pulling out a lot of business debt. And using that, to pay your income, pay some of the other stuff you’re doing and then pay your business capital to the debt so that you don’t pay taxes, because everything’s written off as a business line of credit. So obviously, that’s extremely smart. And I would encourage all of you to talk to a tax professional before doing that. But consider doing that. And that’s tons and tons of wealth of advice there. Nice.
Greg Lyons  33:32
And what a great segue. Education is into our last question, that’s from another one of our mentors, Jim Rohn. And he said, formal education will make you a living self education will make you a fortune. And it sounds like you have some experience here. What does that mean to you?
Jesse Fisco  33:51
Yeah, for me, I’m at the point now where it’s like, what I want to do and who I want to become I’m so focused and locked in that I’m looking for people that have worked familiar in the same grounds or the same area, the people that I’m trying to use as a mentor as a coach and so that education is the education obviously, we’re going straight to the source, right? If you wanted to be very, very wealthy, in real estate or in syndication, I’d be talking to someone like Grant Cardone, or getting into an area where someone is very, very good at syndicating and creating funds right? So I’d be paying that money over to someone similar. I’m not you may or may not like Grant Cardone, but there’s a lot of other ones Bridger Pennington’s, another one here locally in Utah that is doing very well, but I’d be paying money to invest in those type of people to learn from them. The actual education versus what the school is teaching you because what the school is teaching us a generic hey, here’s a broad idea of what could be but you’re actually getting it from the straight source of what actually like what reality can be right for you. Love that.
Tim Lyons  34:55
I’m living proof of that. Right. And the York City firefighter retired a year nurse now at this point And I wouldn’t be where I am today without investing in my education, mentorship coaching mastermind, getting the right rooms. It’s simple as that. So, well, Jesse, this has been a fantastic episode. And I’m really fired up at the moment. But for the listeners out there who this really hit home for, and that they want to reach out to you, what’s the best way for them to find out some more information and connect with you? Yeah, great
Jesse Fisco  35:26
question. So really, the easiest place is probably Instagram. That’s where I check it out the most my Instagram is at Mr. Utah real estate. And I also provide three mental mindset videos a day to kind of keep you going. That’s the easiest way. Obviously, Google searching my name. I’ve really gone deep into SEO. So you can find any of my contact information. I mean, my home address if you want to show up, I’m sure it’s on there somewhere. My wife would kill me if I said that. But yeah, oh, right now we are working on a URL for the coaching program. We’re revamping it and changing it a little bit, as most of the clients have taken on have been private. And we’re now opening it up a lot more to the general public and people that are listening to podcasts. So that should be coming pretty soon.
Tim Lyons  36:10
Well, when it’s live, be sure to send me an email and I will put that in the show notes so everybody can see that. So what was it it has been a pleasure to meet you, Jesse, I thank you for your time, your knowledge, your expertise. It’s been great serving our listeners for this week. And we will see you again next week. Thank you for listening to another episode of the passive income brothers podcast. We would be grateful for your support of our podcast by giving our show a five star rating and review and subscribing to our show on your favorite podcast platform. Don’t forget to take inspired action after listening to this show, so that you can start building out your passive income streams. Finally, head on over to cityside cap.com to connect with us and find out more information about how to get started passively investing in real estate